Staring on an emotive note for the last update of 2018, this week I officially moved on from the lovely studio I've inhabited with great joy for nearly four years. To re-cap my experience painting and printmaking in this unique space, we must time travel backwards to 2015. Freshly graduated from PNCA I found myself in search of a new place to continue my creative practice in visual art. I had not yet secured a stable job and was living in a rather small apartment that would not accommodate the extensive oil painting set up which I had become accustomed to during my time as an undergraduate. With the help of Heather McLaughlin (who I utterly respect and have unending appreciation for both as a visual artist and live performer) the studio was transported to a space with a stimulating environment which went beyond my expectations. Natural light, ornate walls & fixtures, massive arched windows & checkered tiles all tucked away in an industrial section of North PDX. Next are photos from my new studio that is still a little work in progress ... 2019 brings new and unmistakable changes, which I am excited to share with you. A heartfelt thanks and eternal gratitude to my Scorpio twin love (David Tevlin) for the cosmic love & support during this time. Shown below is a photo of a photograph from 2013, taken in the Portland Japanese Gardens.
Today my palette has a holiday theme, with red and emerald paired with a complementary magenta. Also continuing to incorporate an impasto style to my mark making Below is some sketching prior to beginning the painting. Much of this inspiration comes from various books gathered on optical illusions and impossible objects. These drawings are usually completed on grid paper with colored pencil. I find this rough outline for the painting provides enough information and lack of framework to proceed. Planning too much makes my process less enjoyable Until next time, stay colorful
January 2025